What Is Coolsculpting®
Coolsculpting results something that you’re curious about? I get that! I was too – I did a ton of research, so this article will save you some time if you’re trying to decide – check out my before and after pics at the bottom of this article.
Coolsculpting is a medial device that is used to freeze targeted areas of fat cells under the skin through a process known as cryolipolysis. The treatments can only be performed under the supervision of a physician.
Barry’s Body Fat Story
I had been an overweight child, weighing upwards of 240 pounds with a 42″ waist as an 18 year old senior in high school. I had weight issues most of my adult life, I was never classified as obese, but always with an extra 20 pounds. This was not for lack of trying.
I Tried It All – Nothing Worked
I’ve done every meal plan known to man – Keto, been vegan, even a raw vegan, did fasts, went through periods where I forgot what bread and pasta tasted like. I also kept killing it with exercise. I worked diligently in the gym, yoga studio, spin studio, outdoor bike path, crossfit, HIIT workouts, and endless cardio.
Counting Macros With A Nutritionist
I finally found an answer that worked, through consulting with a professional nutritionist with a PhD. Finally dropped those final 20 pounds on a meal plan where I track macro nutrients. I count the grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates in my food, to make sure I am getting the right quantity of each.
Still Had Love Handles After Losing 21 Pounds
In May of 2017, I was at my leanest body weight ever of 168, with a low body fat %! I still had love handles. I was able to maintain this weight range for years. I hover around 170 +/- 4 pounds regularly. My overall body fat is low and even have defined muscle tone on upper abs, chest, arms and legs. However, the pockets of fat on my lower back, were not going away.
Barry’s Cyrolipolysis Journey
Why Barry Choose Cryolipolysis
I’d always seen ads for Coolsculpting and was so curious. I just didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars and have it not work. I was going to a local laser center for laser hair removal and laser skin tightening, when I saw a sign for 40% off Coolsculpting, I asked about it.
They told me it takes 2 – 3 treatments. That you can expect a 20 – 25% reduction in size per treatment, and that it’s not a weight loss treatment, it’s designed to treat pockets of stubborn fat that won’t go away with proper nutrition and exercise. They also told me that they HIGHLY recommended a home care product to help flush the fat cells into my lymphatic system called TransFORM by Alastin! I was intrigued!
I asked people who had it done, I asked owners of device companies who sold non-medical level cryolipolysis machines and was told the process does actually work. I also did a post in our private Facebook Group Free Skincare + Beauty Education and got some great positive feedback. So I went for it!
My 2 Coolsculpting treatments that were 40% off cost $1,800 for both, plus $199 for the TransFORM, so it was over $2000 dollars for these treatments and recommended home care product.
Daily Care Is Crucial
Cryolipolysis freezes fat cells until they die, and once they’re dead they need to be flushed from the body via the lymphatic system. Daily care after the cryolipolysis treatment is vital to get the best results. I was 100% on board with daily care! I used 3 products daily to make sure I would get the best results. TransFORM by Alastin is a product that is designed to flush dead fat cells from the body. Skini Cream from PFB Vanish is an anti-cellulite cream with caffeine and that just got everything moving. Metal Mushroom is a lymphatic stimulation massage tool from ScluptICE.
The Cryolipolysis Treatment
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Home Care Products

Home Care How To
Pressotherapy To Flush Fat
I did a few sessions of Pressotherapy lymphatic massage to help flush the dead fat cells. Pressotherapy is a great treatment to help improve lymph flow, especially after a hard.
Stimula Pressotherapy Detox System Is the latest in Pressotherapy technology with a 20 channel Pressotherapy unit that will provide a customizable lymphatic drainage massage treatment. The elegant presentation provides a blanket for the air channels that way the client is lying comfortably and not on cables.

Performing Coolsculpting
If you want to perform Coolsculpting you need a medical director, the capital to purchase the expensive device and clients who can afford the $1800 for two treatments that I paid (which was 40% off)! These factors can make it impossible for day spas, wellness center, body centers and solo estheticians to perform Coolsculpting.Non-Medical Alternatives For Spas + Solo Estheticians
If you don’t have a medical director, and want to perform fat reduction treatments there are cryolipolysis options that don’t require a medical director, are less expensive and less invasive. They are effective but take more treatments in order to see results. We found 3 options that we think are very cool options to use to perform fat reduction treatments.
If you’re curious about body contouring, we investigated Anti-Cellulite Products, Anti-Cellulite Treatments and Fat Reduction Treatments. We went deep on the topic of body contouring!
IceSculpt is a new type of slimming technology that uses direct contact cold and Hot temperature changes to stimulate more fat reduction than traditional cryolipolysis that only uses cold temperatures. The best part is that it does so in a safe way that does not damage or compromise the skin. Icesculpt features two hand-pieces that allows for treatments on the face and body.
This is not cryolipolysis – it’s lipolysis using radiofrequency to kill fat cells rather than using cold. Opus Cavitation & Radiofrequency 36K cavitation has the ability to work deeper and faster to burst stubborn fat cells so your clients see results in fewer sessions. Aside from a super-powerful Cavitation function it also has 3 different size radiofrequency hand-pieces that allow you to treat all areas of the body in addition to the face.
Not cryolipolysis – just lipolysis. Using microcurrent to destroy fat cells. The SX-4500 from Neurotris offers Fat Reduction, Anti-Cellulite Treatments, Muscle Toning Body contouring treatments are hugely popular using Lipolysis + Lymphatic Drainage In 1 Machine. The true beauty of using NeurotriS SX4500 over other lipolysis modalities is that NeurotriS also offers the ability to stimulate circulation in the body improving blood flow and lymphatic flow which is absolutely vital during lipolysis to help the body expel the now dead fat cells.
Barry’s Coolsculpting Results | Before + After Pics
I’m so happy with the Coolsculpting results that I achieved, with 2 treatments and daily home care. I also continued to eat a balanced, nutritional meal plan and did exercise 5 days a week.
September 9th – Prompted To Investigate Treatment Options
November 23rd First Treatment.
January 13th – Second Treatment
January 31st – 2 Weeks After 2nd Treatment

Barry paid $1800 for the Coolsculpting Treatmetns. Thanks to DermJEM, distributor of ICESculpt + Cavitation our annual sponsor for the information. Thanks to PFB Vanish and SculptICE our annual sponsors for providing the product. Barry paid $199 for the first bottle of TransFORM, but Alastin offered 2 additional bottles and select skincare items after they became aware of this story. Thanks to our client NeurotriS for the information on microcurrent.