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Lash/Brow Expert Touts Huge Return On Investment, Offers 3 Tips

Remedy Lash Co founder Taylor Renae sat down with L+A to discuss the huge return on investment of Lash/Brow services; her 3 Tips for medical + spa prosher no tipping policy; and how it felt to win an international competition. 

Thanks to Elleebana for sponsoring this content so that we can share Taylor’s thoughts on how Lash/Brow services can give medical + spa skin care professionals a low-cost, high-ticket treatment to help boost their ROI (return on investment). 

Taylor Renae, Remedy Lash Co

Taylor Renae has been a lash artist and salon owner since 2016. She started training lash extensions in 2019 and became an Elleebana trainer in 2021. 

Remedy Lash Co started when she wanted to provide a space that empowered all people coming through the door – stylists as well as clients.  

She absolutely loves what she does, and especially loves sharing the incredible industry with new and growing medical + spa skin care professionals. Taylor moved to Nashville from Homer, Alaska in 2014, and has been so happy to find her place in Nashville.

May FEA Elleebana

Remedy Lash Co has five lash stations, a spa room, and a spray tan room! Taylor has four full-time lash artists, two apprentice/ front desks, and one front desk coordinator!! Remedy Lash Co is always growing, which thrills Taylor.

Remedy Lash Co offers lash extensions, lash lifts, brow shaping, spray tans, and spa facials and they hope to be adding sugaring this year! They use and retail Cosmedix for skin care, they use Mine Tan for spay tans, and Elleebana for Lash/brow laminations + Lash extensions, and they also retail Elleebana products. 

Additionally, for retail, they offer Kevin Murphy, this is a throwback from Taylor’s hair days. The Makeup Eraser, and several awesome local brands (Zenagen, Nellamoon, Sia Silk).

Taylor Loves Elleebana for Her Most Popular Services 

We asked Taylor, “What’s your most popular service at Remedy Lash Co?” She told us, “Volume lash extensions, by a long shot!!” Elleebana is a main brand that she uses for this service. We asked her, “How did you find Elleebana?”  ‘

“I found Elleebana in a Facebook group!! Back in 2016 when I got into lashes, Facebook groups were goldmines of information, and I learned a lot from them. I was using another brand I wasn’t happy with, and decided to switch based on recommendations from the group.” Taylor Renae, Remedy Lash Co.

L+A Asked, “Why did you choose Elleebana?” Taylor told us, “I heard such glowing reviews of the products, and the before and after photos people were posting really spoke for themselves! So I switched to Elleebana in 2018ish! My clients all love Elleebana treatments  – we often get feedback that they’ve been searching for a great lash lift and are so glad they found us. Of course, I know my team is doing a great job, but a great product really helps as well!”

Customer Service Training And Onboarding with Elleebana

In response to the question, “How was the training and education with Elleebana when you onboarded with them?” Taylor told L+A, “I did a conversion course with Elleebana since I was certified through another brand. I had a great experience and learned a lot from my trainer. When Profusion was released, I took the online course and had a great experience with that as well!”

L+A knows that our community loves great customer service, so we asked Taylor to tell us about the service she receives from Elleebana.  

“It can’t be beat!! I have relationships with various brands because of the salon, and I can’t describe how much I love working with Elleebana. The standards for customer care, student/trainer relationships, education, and product quality are, in my opinion, among the best in the industry.” Taylor Renae, Remedy Lash Co.

Lash/Brow Lamination A Favorite + Huge Money Maker

L+A asked Taylor her fav Elleebana treatment. She told us, “To offer: Profusion Lash Lamination

To receive: Profusion Brow Lamination.” 

Which is brilliant because those services are included in her 3 tips for medical + spa skin care professionals who are considering offering lash and brow services in their business. 

May FEA Elleebana

Taylor’s Top 3 Tips For Medical + Spa Skin Care Pros Considering Lash/Brow Services

“Truly, Elleebana can’t be beat. A quick thing about me/Remedy Lash Co: I only offer my clients the best.  I do genuinely believe it is the best product on the market, but even if it weren’t, the customer service, technical/product support, and education can’t be beat. There isn’t another brand, that I’m aware of, that takes as much care as Elleebana does to ensure that each service provider using the product is as supported as they can be – supported by excellent products that are continually advancing, and supported by excellent trainers who are happy to offer advice and feedback at any time! 

I have had great success offering these services – at this point, I only offer lash & brow laminations, so I may be biased as to how awesome they are, but I really do think they are a great addition to most businesses in this field. I’m going to direct my tips towards salon owners with a team, but they can apply anywhere!

1 – If you are onboarding new employees (especially new to the industry), this is an easy service for them to learn, especially in comparison to lash extensions. Once they’ve taken a course and finished case studies, they should be good to go. It is easy to promote and book, and many clients return every 6 weeks fairly consistently. I have found these services to be excellent for early book building.

2 – The ROI is very good – if you invest in a combo lash/brow lam course, you will most likely be able to pay for it using the product from the kit. After that, I calculate about $8 product cost per service and advise salons to charge no less than $115. You don’t need to invest in a massive skincare line, you don’t need to buy expensive equipment, you don’t need to spend thousands on training. It’s an easy add-on.

Speaking of ROI, I’m obsessed with the Elleebana retail product – Hyaluronic Boost Serum!! All my clients leave with it! Selling the Elleebana retail will definitely boost your ROI! 

3 – Clients love it, and if you are doing it well (with top training and products), they will be loyal. We have had some of the same lash lift clients coming to the salon for years. They are happy to add it with other services (hello brow wax/tint upsell), you can combo lash + brow lam. If you already do lash extensions, it’s really a no-brainer, as you can offer this to clients who may be allergic to extensions, or need to take a break for whatever reason. 

BONUS: Lash lift clients are *the best*. I don’t know how to describe it other than to say they’re the chillest clients. I love them so much.” Taylor 

Remedy Lash Co Has A No Tipping Policy

“At Remedy Lash Co., we do not accept tips. Our services are priced in a way that we do not need to rely on them. If a client asks to tip, we request that they leave us a review on Google, or a platform of their choosing, and/or advise them to purchase retail for themselves. 

This is a multi-faceted value of my business, and I am always happy to speak on it!! I began my “no-tipping” journey back in 2017. There were a multitude of reasons that I chose to start it, and I have found it to be very beneficial. 

First, the ick of handing a client an iPad with a tip screen. The feeling when they don’t tip “enough” and you’re left wondering what you did wrong or why they hate you. Conversely when they tip a lot, and suddenly you’re in a weird situation where you may feel like you owe them something, or they expect you to make exceptions for them because they’re “a good tipper”. Eliminating tips completely eliminates this dynamic. 

I believe that we are professionals. I can not think of another “professional” industry that requires the care and precision that this type of work requires and also depends on tips for a living. I believe that setting prices that allow for living and thriving wages for myself and my staff, without tips, creates a more professional environment that demands respect. 

Workers who rely on tips may have more difficulty securing a home loan, car loan, etc. because they may not be able to count tipped income as part of their wages, and/or they may not be counting cash tips as part of their income at all. I believe that it is my duty as a salon owner and employer to empower my team members, and this is one of the ways I believe I am doing that. 

Additionally, the current climate is very supportive of this policy. Many people are feeling tired and overwhelmed by “tip culture” and the iPads with 20-30% options on every little thing. Eliminating this really elevates the service for clients, especially in a high-end salon setting.” Taylor 

Taylor Is An International Lash Competition Winner for Elleebana.

“I am so honored! I competed in 2023 and got 3rd, so I reevaluated what I could improve, what I would do differently, and what went well. It was fulfilling to have my hard work rewarded and validated! And it’s been so fun at home with my clients – they’ve been so supportive and proud of me!! I have also gotten several new clients who had either had negative past lash lift experiences and wanted to try again or just wanted to try it out but had been nervous. I am so honored they’ve trusted me with their lashes!” Taylor 

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