Effective Alternative To Microneedling
Yes, you read that correctly! We found an organic peel that is a perfect alternative to Microneedling! Wait, don’t think we’re not fans of Microneedling – that’s not true.
Some esthys just don’t want to perform Microneedling
We don’t judge!
We get it – not every treatment is for every esthetician.
Then there’s the law! There are many states where estheticians need an alternative to Microneedling because Microneedling is out of their scope of practice.

Unique Organic Peel Alternative To Microneedling
Regardless of the reasons why an esthetician would search for an alternative to Microneedling, we found an incredibly unique professional skincare treatment that can produce Microneedling-like results! The 2B Bio Peel is an organic facial peel that provides manual exfoliation of the skin’s surface. Unlike other peels, which only work on the surface, 2B Bio Peel activates the exfoliation process from within the skin. During the application process of the 2B Bio Peel, you press and lift the peel into the skin, imitating Microneedling.
Why 2B Bio Peel Is An Alternative To Microneedling
The 2B Bio peel encourages collagen induction when spicules made of river sponge, lava, crystal quartz, calendula, arrowroot and acacia gum are massaged and lifted into the skin.
Wait! What’s a Spicule?
spic·ule /ˈspikyo͞ol/
a minute sharp-pointed object or structure that is typically present in large numbers, such as a fine particle of ice.
These spicules are naturally expelled from the skin over the course of 12-24 hours after the peel is performed. During the application of the 2B Bio Peel when the spicules are manually pressed into the skin they create micro-channels in the skin that allow improved absorption of any other peels or products that are applied to the skin during the treatment.
Here’s How The 2B Bio Peel Is Performed

Barry Experiences 2B Bio Peel – Alternative To Microneedling
It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! At every skincare trade show, I search high and low to find really cool treatments to try out! I want to stay on top of the hottest trends in the skincare industry and the International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference in Las Vegas this past June was no exception.
I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I’ve been watching California Skincare Supply and Trin from Trin Spa Skin and Wellness posting about the 2B Bio Peel for almost a year and am just getting around to tryng it! ,
I headed over to California Skincare Supply and asked about it and they were like… It’s about time!
Barry Got A Boost With The 2B Bio Peel
I’ve known the #TeamCSS [California Skincare Supply] for years! So, since Trin, Kelli and Jullea know my skin so well, they all decided to layer on a few extra treats from M.A.D. Skincare to make the peel more intense and effective!
Let it be known, that I am proud of the fact that I can handle just about any peel!
I love a good fire-y tingle in a peel.
But…. G I R L!!!!

The combination of peels that these ladies layered onto my skin took me AND my skin to new places!
Chemical Peels Combined with An Alternative To Microneedling
After the 2B Bio Peel was removed they added in a 2 additional peels.

Layer #2 M.A.D Skincare Environmental Renewal Peel
The M.A.D Environmental Renewal Peel is is a lactic acid, Multi-Fruit Acid Peel that’s designed to correct sun-damage. Trin did one layer of this peel. Then fanned my skin as it went to work penetrating!

Layer #3 M.A.D Skincare Jenasus Growth Factor Peel
The M.A.D Skincare Jenasus Growth Factor Peel is another Multi Fruit Acid, Lactic Acid peel with a little Glycolic Acid thrown in for good measure. This peel also contains 3% growth factor and a triple peptide!
They added in 2 layers of this peel. Yes the 3rd peel they applied had 2 layers. Layers upon layers, it’s why you’ll fall in love with M.A.D Skincare – they’re all about layering!
I digress, this is where my limits were tested. It was some great heat! The kind of heat you dream about when you’re getting a peel. You just know it’s working!
After the treatment my skin was glowing like a diamond!
The Alternative To Microneedling Definitely Worked
I didn’t know it at the time, but these last two layers of the peel were going to do some great things. Days after the peel, I had some large spots of hyperpigmentation lift out of my skin!
I had some peeling. The skin didn’t come off in sheets it just became a thick layer of dead skin laying on my face. So I used the 2B Bio EnzyScrub that they gave me for home care and I have to tell you.
This product is amazing, super, insanely delicious, and incredible! After I washed it off, it was as if, my skin had been transformed. All the gunk was gone and all you could see was fresh, new skin. The dark spots of lifted hyperpigmentation were gone too! They were replaced by slightly pink spots which lasted a few days and then faded to even skin tone.
Product Shout Out
During the peel Trin applied product called the 2B Bio Oxygen Serum that contains Perfluorodecalin, a molecule that increases the oxygen rate in the skin. I know that cellular respiration is vital to cell longevity, so I asked to try it!
I’ve been using it for over a month now and…….
Want More Information on An Alternative To Microneedling?
If you want more information on the 2B Bio Peel or the M.A.D Skincare Peels or the amazing 2B Bio home care products, please fill out the contact form below.
We’d like to thank California Skincare Supply for sponsoring this article.