Waxing is one of my favorite things to do in my career. It’s why I created Rose’s Waxing Tips For Estheticians. It’s fast easy money that gives you dedicated clients. We all know when a client trusts you with their delicate bits, they stick with you for life. Want loyal clients who will trust you forever? Just follow my Waxing Tips For Estheticians.
If you are waxing, you know that there are two primary types of wax. Soft wax, or some people might call it strip wax, and hard wax. Hard wax doesn’t use paper or fabric strips for removal.
Side Note: Sugar is sugar. It’s not wax but the end result is the same.
Rose’s 5 Waxing Tips For Estheticians
Here’ some advice to help you optimize your waxing skills so you are making the most money for your services.
1. Prep The Skin
Many clients come in with super dry skin or a truck load of lotion on. This is going to make your service more difficult. So follow your wax brand’s protocol for skin prep before your service.
Prep might include a wipe down with a gentle skin cleanser and a very light layer of pre wax oil on the skin. This can help the wax go on smoother. But be careful! Too much and you won’t get the wax to stick.
2. Application Is Everything
When waxing we apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth, and remove against. Most soft wax should be applied in a thin layer. This optimizes your product usage; the less product you use, the more money you make. In order to keep a smooth thin layer of wax during application – keep your stick vertical. When you tilt your stick forward or backward, the wax applies thicker which will cause a faster build up on your strip, resulting in what I call “flingers”. Thick wax application will make it harder to remove from the body as well.
Hard wax should be applied in a strip shaped like a surfboard. The thickness should be about, that of a fruit rollup, any thicker and you might be waiting a week for the wax to set up enough for you to remove. Conversely, if you apply too thin, your wax will break and be brittle, and many not effectively grab the hair. There is a universal rule that double dipping is a NO NO, so when applying hard wax, you should be able to effectively use both ends of your stick. Practice applying your hard wax like you are writing or painting. Hold the stick in the middle and keep the wax on the tip. This should keep your stick clean enough to use on both ends.
So just remember:
Soft wax: Thin Thin Thin!!! Hard wax: Fruit roll up!
3. Removal Should Be Fast
Come on, The most fun part of waxing (other than the money) is the removal! We secretly giggle inside when we have a reactionary client.
Removal should be fast. The slower you pull a strip, the faster you will lose your client. Pulling your strip quickly ensures that the hair comes out properly. What does that mean? That means that the hair comes out from the root, and it doesn’t break.
If you’re working with soft wax you place the strip on the area you have placed wax, leave enough strip to have a “handle” (about 2 inches), rub your ENTIRE HAND up and down on the strip, grab your “handle” and swiftly pull.
One of the things we are taught in school is to rub vigorously like we are starting a fire, to get the strip to adhere to the wax. If you use the previously mentioned technique, you should have no problem. Let’s face it, we have been taught to “soothe” the client after the strip has been pulled with nice gentle pressure after every pull. This application of pressure is unnecessary, unless it’s a delicate area. Also, when I’m Speed Waxing, I rarely apply any post-pull pressure.
If you’re using hard wax, you allow the wax to dry, flick back a ½ – 1 inch section on the end to create a “handle”, and PULL!
True facts about waxing:
1) Yes, it hurts.
2) No one has ever died from waxing, so pressure after every pull is just a waste of time.
And always always remember to keep the skin tight as your are working. There is nothing worse than skin not kept tight ricocheting back to the body. We don’t visibly see it so we don’t think much of it, but the client certainly can feel the difference.
4. Clean Up + After Care Are Vital
Even the best waxers will leave a few sticky spots on the client. Make sure this sticky spot isn’t a patch of hair. No client will ever want hair left on the body when they leave.
Most wax lines will have an oil for pre and post service. Take a healthy amount of oil and rub it on the waxed body part and wipe it off with a towel or wax strip.
If your wax line is like mine, it has a series of products to help soothe the skin right after the service. Be sure to familiarize yourself with your wax line’s products to ensure that you give your client the best experience.
5. Home Care Is SO Important
Want to have a successful waxing career? You have to make sure your clients understand that they are responsible for the in between time. Home care is SO important! This is also a great way to increase your income with retail. You should offer the retail products that your clients need for proper exfoliation in the shower, and any blemish control creams or gels.
Education Is Key!
Another of my waxing tips for estheticians that I always offer when I train is: Education Is Key! Your clients should know the basic rules: No Hot Tubs, No Intimacy, No Exercise. Educate them about the importance of exfoliating, and that breakouts are common after a waxing service.
Waxing Is A Committed Relationship
You must educate your clients about the importance of staying on a waxing schedule. Part of the home care, is keeping regular appointments. Your clients need to understand that if they only wax for special occasions, or every now and again, they will not get the smooth feeling they are seeking.
Rose’s Waxing Tips For Estheticians on Supplies
Any good waxer will tell you that it’s not just skill, the supplies and products you use can make a HUGE difference! Find a good quality wax that helps you be the most efficient. Remember when it comes to wax, you get what you pay for. So do your homework and pick a quality wax.

You don’t need 5 different kinds of sticks. One or two types of sticks will be just fine. I personally only use tongue depressor size and break them into smaller sticks.
Strips matter!!! STRIPS. MATTER.!!! If you are using a strip that is flimsy like fabric, it’s hard to control in a speed waxing situation. If you use a cheap strip, they tend to separate during your service. So find the best strip you can. Pellon Strips tend to hold up well.
At this point, we know we shouldn’t be using latex gloves. We never know when a client will have a reaction. Some clients don’t even know they have a latex allergy until the wrong glove comes into their life. Stick with Nitrile. Most medical professionals have completely switched to nitrile gloves. They tend to break less than any glove as well.
If you establish a reputation as an excellent waxer, you can earn a great deal of extra revenue! Follow my 5 Waxing Tips for Estheticians you’ll be a pro in no time! Give your clients a great wax, make sure you guide them through home care, and be sure to supply them with everything they need and you’ll be a cult hero to your local gals in no time!

Rose Nunn
Rose is the owner of One Woman Spa, a 1,200 square foot, four treatment room spa. She focuses on skin care, waxing and education. She now works closely with her one time industry hero, and now mentor, Lori Nestore as an educator for both Tu’el skin care and Berodin Wax. Read More…