Jewell, Victoria Jewell. Sort of like, Bond, James Bond. Victoria Jewell is the most amazing walking advertisement for Dermodality Skincare! During our visit with Victoria and Tony from Dermodality – we couldn’t stop staring at her perfect alabaster skin!
Barry commented, “Victoria, I can’t stand it – your skin is literally flawless! The tone and the texture are flawless and it’s perfectly smooth and it looks like everything is still where it belongs, not slowly sliding south! Girl, spill the tea – how?”
“Dermodality.” Victoria replied.
Our Demo Visit To Dermodality
This all happened during our visit to Dermodaliy’s offices in Las Vegas! The whole L+A team was in Las Vegas for IECSC so we jumped at the chance to visit Dermodality! Tony Vogel and Victoria Jewell welcomed Jenni, Barry, and Tammie and gave us a tour of the offices so we could see the Dermodality products in action on Tammie. Victoria gave us an explanation of the Dermodality Web concept during a customized Dermodality peel.
Excerpt from “Estheticians In Control with Web Concept”
“Dermodality skin care is steeped in education and rooted in a customization philosophy that gives estheticians control of their clients’ results. This brand is designed for estheticians who love to create customized treatment protocols based on their clients’ skin needs. The Dermodality Web provides estheticians with tools, a road map, education, and the confidence to direct a customized treatment plan!” Read More
Victoria Demonstrated A Dermodality Customized Peel
Victoria Jewell is the COO of Dermodality and in that capacity, she serves as the Dermodality Lead Educator. So when you work with Dermodality, you’ll work with Victoria to learn The Dermodality Customized Peel system! Victoria showed us how she trains estheticians to use the extensive intake form and then she demonstrated a thorough skin analysis so she could get to know Tammie’s skin.
Victoria explained that because the goal of the Dermodality Web concept is to use home care and customized peels to get skin to its healthiest state – she trains estheticians on how to get an understanding of their clients’ skin. She then proceeded to give Tammie a customized peel that began with their Base 1 Mandelic Peel, a universal peel that’s literally good for every single client. Then she showed us how she allowed Tammie’s skin to guide her through the rest of the incredible treatment!
We were enthralled by what she was showing us! We were rapid-firing questions about the process! She is an amazing trainer – trust us – you’re going to love learning from her!
Our Interview With Victoria Jewell
Since we’ll be working very closely with Victoria and Dermodality for the rest of 2023 we wanted to introduce you to Victoria so you could get to know the woman that will be training you on the amazing Dermodaltiy line!
Victoria Jewell is the COO of Dermodality, she’s been with Dermodality since she became an esthetician in 2017. Here are some of the questions that we asked her during our interview…
What’s one thing that estheticians should know about Dermodality?
When you partner with Dermodality you can expect consistent results for all of your clients and ultimately, that is what we are after, right? Not only that, we are here to help you grow. Our small team is all dedicated to your success. We are ALWAYS available and ready to walk you through it.
How will you personally be there for estheticians?
I wear many hats in this company including all daily operations. They say I am the glue that pieces all the parts together. I have my hands in just about everything from creating and overseeing all projects, to education, and managing all departments. But I love education, so I’ll be there with the estys every step of the way!
Is that your favorite aspect of your job with Dermodality?
Yes, I love training and being creative! I get so many ideas all day every day to help this business expand and it’s really fun to see them come to life and blossom.
Why should estheticians look to Dermodality for their practice?
If you open a Dermodality wholesale account you’ll get products with active and contemporary ingredients and the ability to customize! Dermodality is a line for EVERYONE, quality education, no minimums or requirements, affordable and a top-notch customer experience.
Is that why you love Dermodality?
Aside from having the absolute best products I have ever tried, I love the heartbeat of this company. Tony Vogel, the founder, has such a genuine soul and it just oozes into all aspects of the business. We truly want to help professionals in all aspects of their business and see them succeed.
What do you see as Dermodality’s best assets?
The #1 is that it’s a quality product.
The #2 would be the education that we offer to our Dermodalitiy Wholesale Accounts!
The #3 is the loving, family-oriented environment we are creating!
What do you see in the future for Dermodality?
I see Dermodality being a mega-brand in the very near future. There are many different aspects of this business that people don’t even know are coming. Watch out! It is going to be HUGE!
Meet Victoria Jewell
At 36, I am a mother of three beautiful teens who are the light of my life and keep me motivated to be a better human daily. I grew up in a magical town on the coast of California until I was 14 when my family moved to Las Vegas, NV. I started a family when I was 20 years old and was blessed to be a stay at home mom until I was 26. At that time, I began bartending but quickly realized that was not something I was passionate about. I was always interested in the beauty industry so one day I thought it would be a good idea for me to become an esthetician.
While I was in school, the founder of Dermodality, Tony Vogel, and the VP of Education at the time, Linda Nelson, came to the school and offered advanced skin care classes and showcased the brand. I began using the line and it QUICKLY transformed my skin. As someone who struggled with chronic dryness, hyperpigmented, and aging skin I could not believe the results I was achieving in such a short amount of time.

I knew right then I had to be a part of this brand and it was my mission to send a message to all the esti’s, doctors, and other professionals of the world that this is the line they needed to carry.
After starting at the warehouse helping in the shipping department for 15 hrs. a week, I am now COO of Dermodality and am living my dream every waking moment.
When I am not busy building and growing the Dermodality brand I love to spend time with my life partner Jeff and my kids. Traveling, meditating, and reading are my ultimate relaxation activities I could do all day.
At some point in the future, Jeff and I plan to start a not-for-profit organization that will help battered women and children who have experienced or are currently experiencing traumas they cannot escape.