May was skin cancer awareness month and now we’re heading into summer. With both of those events it’s a great time to have a discussion with your clients about protecting their skin.
Recommend SPF
There are so many ways that you can help the client protect their skin. SPF is one of the easiest things that a client can apply to help prevent damage. It will reduce their exposure to harmful UVA/UVB rays which can lead to skin cancer. It’s your job to SPF-Educate your client on the pros of wearing SPF daily. Even when they’re getting passive sun exposure.
Recommend Antioxidants
Another way to help protect and keep your clients’ skin from falling victim to the UVA/UVB rays is to ensure that you are recommending serums and moisturizers that contain potent antioxidants. We have 11 Top Antioxidants that you can look for in the products that you use in treatment and recommend. These antioxidants will help to maintain the skin’s firmness and some can even help to offset that dreaded hyperpigmentation we can see when we analyze our clients’ skin.
Skin Analysis + Technology
One way to instantly earn your clients’ trust during the skin analysis is to use technology. The right technology places you back in the center of the equation. This is especially true for skin analysis tools, which are becoming easier and less expensive to use and more accurate every single day thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning. I’m sure by now the words “artificial intelligence (AI),” “machine learning,” or even “skin analysis” have your eyes glazing over, and your attention lost to anything that doesn’t sound like an empty and overly complicated buzzword — even that squirrel in the window doing absolutely nothing might seem more amusing right about now.
Remember The Skinceuticals Woods Lamp Demonstration?
There is an opportunity right now to get in early on the latest iteration of skin analysis. Anyone who worked in skincare in the early 2000s remembers how Skinceuticals used a woods lamp demonstration during retail events to show customers their hidden hyperpigmentation, and how Vitamin C — and Skinceuticals’ Vitamin C in particular — could help. Now that we’re well into the 2020s, professionals can use skin analysis tools straight from their phones to help clients—on-site or remotely—get a personalized assessment that can reaffirm recommendations and suggested treatments.
So, as we head into Summer, and on the horizon will be the growing need and demand to educate on SPF, Vitamin C, and antioxidants, you may want to reconsider how you present relevant information, products, and treatments. Imagine being able to send your client a link to scan their skin to get an assessment of not only key metrics like dark spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, and wrinkles but also a reading on their local climate inclusive of UV Index, humidity and pollution levels. It is personalized product and treatment recommendations at its finest.
New Millenium Skin Analysis
Skin analysis is the future of your business, and the ability for your clients to seamlessly visit Coralai and click a button to scan their skin is now a reality. Clients will be guided as the computer vision technology captures an image of their face, which is then analyzed in real-time using AI. The results is a personalized assessment delivered with a process that takes less than a minute. This will be your tool to build your book of business. Coralai, coming in June 2022, will offer a complimentary skin analysis tool via a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or desktop device. But the skin analysis also serves as a window into a larger suite of tools that can drive long-term client loyalty and ongoing connectivity with new and old clients.

Contribution by Jenna Blaha
Jenna Blaha is the founding editor of technology reporting for women’s lifestyle and fashion magazines in the US. She spent nearly a decade in publishing, first at Marie Claire and then at ELLE where she continues to write today. Raised in the midwest, Jenna worked in salons to put herself through college. Now Co-Founder and President of Corpus Group, Jenna is leading the first artificial intelligence, cloud-based skin scanning company that is built with skin care professionals, for skin care professionals.
Skin Analysis + Business Building Tools
Coralai guides clients to a curated set of product recommendations, with the option to book time with a professional. Coralai gets clients “in the door” allowing you to begin building trust with them in a very modern and honest way.
Once they’re in, there is plenty more to do. As it relates to Coralai’s capabilities, clients can opt in to track the progress of their skin over time, meaning that you can grow trust with your clients as they see improvements in their skin. There is also a tool that lets you connect with your clients remotely via secure virtual video. You know the client who wants advice on treating that pesky pimple on the day of a big event. They need immediate help. With Coralai you can —and should — charge for your services no matter if it is a quick 15 minutes or a full 60-minute consultation. And for professionals who want to integrate their calendars, there is an in-person booking tool soon to roll out that lets clients book immediately following their analysis, right when they’re most engaged and the reality of what is going on with their skin is looking them right in the face.
All this to say, the future is bright, but it is coming quickly and those who start to utilize the right emerging technology will be primed to capture new business and retain old in a way that has never been done so easily and authentically. And a skin analysis tool is one worth onboarding into your practice now.