
Dr Chantal Lunderville / Editorial / Here's What's New / Industry News

Dr. Lunderville’s Top 3 Ways The Olympics Impact MediSpas

I would not call myself an athlete, but the thrill I get when I close all my rings on my Apple watch is unmatched. It is the validation of the seemingly mundane daily tasks adding up to something worth celebrating. Most of us will never break world records, however over 28 million of us will tune in to watch the Olympics in Paris. So what can the games teach us about the current state of wellness? 

Dr. Chantal Lunderville, L+A Medical + Wellness Editor

Dr. Chantal Lunderville is a board-certified physician specializing in skin health, aesthetic medicine, and Women’s health. She attended medical school at UCLA School of Medicine, followed by a residency at UCSF Family Medicine, and on graduating opened her own concierge aesthetics practice in the San Francisco Bay Area focusing on hormone health, skincare, and longevity. 

Since then Dr. Lunderville has grown her practice to include overseeing nurses and aestheticians as medical director to over 15 practices across California, and through Dr. C’s Academy helps to launch new practices across the US and Canada through consulting and online courses in business, compliance, aesthetic procedures including neurotoxin, fillers, lasers, microneedling, and lasers. Read Full Bio

Dr. Lundervilll’s Top 3 Ways The Olympics Are Making Their Way Into Our Summer

Water (has always been the main character, but this year is about elevating it and making it fun to drink) Water enhancers aka “emotional support liquids” carried in beautiful if not a bit oversized bottles such as Stanley and Hydro Flask, etc. Here is what I look for:

Electrolytes, Particularly Magnesium

As a cofactor in dozens of bodily functions, we all need more magnesium. It helps with muscle contraction, recovery, and sleep, among others. Opt for magnesium in the aspartate, citrate, lactate, and chloride forms as it is absorbed more completely and is more bioavailable than magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate. It’s also been shown to be helpful in a range of other diseases, including lowering blood pressure. Read more here: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/

Watch out for artificial sweeteners, added sugars, or dyes, these are a no-go for me.

Look for antioxidants such as Coenzyme Q10, polyphenols, Vitamin E, and green tea extract

1 Bodywork and Products

The focus on active ingredients for the rest of the body (not just the face!) is growing in popularity as well as the technology for recovery. Athletes such as Simone Biles and many from Team GB endorse physiotherapy, massage, and cryotherapy.

2 Cryotherapy

It’s booming in the aesthetic space right now as it has been shown to be helpful for circulation (think of the blood vessels squeezing and contracting), lowering inflammation, and boosting endorphins (the feel-good ooooh! You feel after a workout or spa treatment). We also know now that it calms the nervous system and recruits white blood cells to aid in healing.

3 Slowing Down For The Summer

Athletes and the current Gen Z generation have pushed mental health to the forefront, and it has been a prominent theme in this year’s games. The Olympics have always emphasized how sports improve mental well-being, but this year we are also embracing breaks and rest for peak performance.

A survey conducted by Slack involving over 10,000 workers found that those who regularly took breaks had 62% higher scores for work-life balance, 43% greater ability to manage stress and anxiety, and 43% higher overall satisfaction. Additionally, these workers showed a 13% increase in productivity compared to those who didn’t take regular breaks​ (Six Seconds)​. Make sure you are taking breaks such as going for short walks and stretching between clients.

How you can incorporate for your practice:

Improving in-office hydration with IVs, selling on-brand water additives (I love the beautiful packets from Symbiotika), or creating limited edition logoed water bottles

Teach your patients about the fitness and recovery combinations ie every Saturday in my hometown of Newport Beach our local pilates studio offers a community class at a discount where afterward we try cryotherapy, circulation boots, sample fresh pressed juices, and take home goodies of water supplements to promote local business.

Boost mental breaks: Offer Zoom or in-person coworking days, meditation circles, or journaling sessions for your clients or staff to enjoy. Provide a break area or organize a lunchtime walk.

Show us how you are moving and getting your steps in! Drop a comment with how you have embraced the athlete in you your patients, or your staff.

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