A bath – there’s perhaps no better elixir than soaking in warm water after a long day. Many of us can validate the relaxing benefits of unwinding with a hot bath, but did you know it can also help improve your health and mental well-being?
Taking a bath has a long history. Submerging ourselves in water, whether in bathing at home or in a natural body of water is something we do for personal hygiene, leisure, and health.
Nowadays of course, a luxurious long soak is associated with solitude and self-care, a little indulgence that many of us look forward to after a stressful day, or a tough workout. Studies show that the benefits of bathing are more than just skin deep. The benefits of taking a bath have been scientifically proven and can ensure optimal health of the mind and body.
Your skin releases endorphins in response to the soothing warm water the same way that endorphins are released when you feel the sun on your skin. Soaking in warm to hot water can be therapeutic and reinvigorating because blood flow increases to the skin.

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Bath Studies
Since the beginning of time, bathing has been about more than just personal hygiene. Cleanliness was seen as a symbol of power and beauty, and public bathing was a way to socialize and build communities.
Hydrotherapy has been practiced for centuries. Both the use of hot and cold water can have beneficial effects on the body. Boiling water can be sourced naturally from hot springs which are high in healing minerals. Cryotherapy or ice baths can help athletes including runners will submerge themselves in freezing waters to counteract the damage or strain induced by exercise.
A Japanese study investigated the mental health benefits of bathing. They found that bathing, compared to a quick shower, transpired in less stress, tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and depression.
In a German study, participants with depression reported a boost in mood after soaking in a 40C bath for 30 minutes. In fact, in this experiment, regular baths proved to be more effective in aiding depression than aerobic exercise.
Bath Benefits
A bath can be the ultimate in self-care. And with the right setting and products the effect can be enhanced a thousandfold.
A good bath might be seen as a little luxury now and then, but beyond some essential self-care, it has scientifically proven benefits for your mental health.
Warm baths improve mental and emotional health and decrease stress hormones and more balanced serotonin levels, which help regulate mood and improve states of depression and overall well-being.
Bathing can reduce pain and inflammation and calm the nervous system, reducing the levels of stress and anxiety in the body and calm the brain and nervous system.
A relaxing bath help many people sleep well and create a good environment for meditation, thought, and escape from everyday stress and tension.
Increased body temperature at night helps regulate our natural circadian rhythms, leading to better sleep patterns, along with improved quality of sleep and overall well-being.
Depression is thought to be related to low levels of serotonin, and research has shown that serotonin-releasing neurons connected to mood-regulating regions of the brain fire in response to increases in body temperature.
If you find taking a warm bath relaxing and it makes you feel good, there is now even more reason to take the plunge.

Bath Best Practices
Before you jump in the tub ill-prepared, here are a few tips on how to create a soothing experience that will help you rebalance in the comfort of your own home.
Pick a time when you are unlikely to be distracted. Peace and quiet will help you to relax. Close the door and say no to endless distractions.
Use products that you find relaxing. While bath oils and aromatherapy blends may take your bath from enjoyable to life-changing.
4 Steps To Taking a Good Bath
1 Get the temperature spot on
Warm baths help ease physical tension, relax anxious muscles, and relives overall tension in body and mind. They can even aid with digestion problems and lower blood sugar levels.
Consider the temperature of the room. A Japanese study showed that bathing in 41C water in a 25C room increased body temperature more than taking a bath in a 14C room. However, if taking a bath promotes sleep before bed, the room temperature should be cooler: 18C is ideal.
Use warm (not hot) water: Some people may experience dizziness or weakness when the temperature is too hot. The ideal temperature for a soaking bath is between 40C and 45C.
Large and sudden increases in temperature put a strain on the heart, so if you suffer from heart problems, avoid hot baths – particularly on cold days.
2 Light it up
Keep your mind quiet and focus on the present moment. The sound of the water, the aromatic experience. The complete relaxation
Many of us are exposed to blue light all day in the form of computers and mobile devices, leaving us mentally drained and prone to headaches. If your bathroom has lots of natural light, consider a daytime bath. Natural light can lead to an improved sense of well-being and better sleep. In the evening, bathe by candlelight, as exposure to artificial light at night suppresses melatonin, interfering with sleep timing and quality.
3 Set The Tone
Leave technology behind. Enjoy the silence or lose yourself in natural sounds like rainforest sounds or peaceful rains. Studies show that nature sounds can decrease the body’s sympathetic response (that anxiety jolt that comes from fight-or-flight) and can increase feelings of relaxation.
4 Meditate
If you struggle to meditate, then try a few minutes in the bath. It is the perfect setting as your body is physically relaxed and makes it easier to empty your mind. Close your eyes and concentrate on long, deep breaths. Keep your mind quiet and focus on the present moment. The sound of the water. The smell of essential oils. Complete relaxation.

Contribution by Trish Green
Trish works with Thera Genesis Skincare. Trish is a graduate of the Victoria University of Manchester, and a teacher with 40 years of experience in the education field. For thirty of those years she has been an educator in the esthetics industry.
- B.Ed, Di Hom (Pract), C.A.H.P B.F.R.P
- Degree in Physical Education and Health
- Doctor of Homeopathy
- Certified Cidesco Esthetician