
ASCP Exclusive Access Education!

ASCP Exclusive skincare education

Don’t Miss The Limited Time Access To Exclusive Educational Content!

We’ve partnered with Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) to bring you exclusive, member-only content! Every month there’s a new education video available to you for a limited time.

This Month: Fluoride and its Effect on the Skin

Due to fluoride’s hardening properties, it has often been referred to as “the aging element”. In this video provided by Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP), you will learn more about how fluoride affects the skin.

Click on the video below and register for free to watch this month’s ASCP educational video. 

ASCP Terpenes Skincare Education
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Learn more about the membership benefits and get access to exclusive savings here.

ASCP Clients Sue – Liability Insurance for Estheticians

Professional liability insurance is vital to your career as a skin care professional. This video features 3 examples of lawsuits filed in a spa setting that ASCP can help you with. To learn more about ASCP membership benefits, including liability insurance for estheticians, click here.