Learn the 4 types of Rosacea and their symptoms – it’s April, National Rosacea month. A great time for skincare practitioners to brush up on their knowledge of this ever-growing disease.
Some of you already know me and my story. My mom suffered from Grade 4 Rosacea most of my life. Understanding Rosacea and educating as many people as I can about this debilitating disease has become my calling.
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory disease of the blood vessels, while acne is a disorder of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle.
Rosacea is very common and affects as many as 415 million people worldwide. Although Rosacea can affect anyone and all skin types, individuals with fair skin, who tend to flush easily are typically at the highest risk. The disease is more frequent in women but interestingly enough, tends to be more severe in men.
There is currently NO known cure for Rosacea but many treatment options to control symptoms.
I was always the girl with the “peaches and cream” complexion, a very polite way of saying I am red and ruddy. This, by itself, does not mean I have Rosacea. But, if I have at least 2 of the following symptoms, I can be diagnosed with Rosacea: Flushing, papules and pimples, visible blood vessels, and/or eye irritation.
4 Types Of Rosacea
Vascular Rosacea
This type of Rosacea begins with erythema, redness, and flushing of the facial skin, typically on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. This occurs because tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate or expand.

Contribution by Arlene White
For more than thirty years, Arlene has been actively involved in the skincare industry as a business executive, consultant, and educator. From owning and operating medical and full-service spas to traveling the U.S. helping skincare technicians become experts in their field, Arlene understands the science and the business of skincare.
It’s from that background that Professional Skin Care Training was launched. With access to an entire video library of content, downloadable PDF step-by-step instructions, and 1-on-1 coaching sessions available, Professional Skin Care Training believes “the best keep learning.” For Arlene White, that’s more than just a motto. It’s a way of life.
Inflammatory Rosacea
With this type of Rosacea, over time, the red, ruddiness becomes more persistent and the capillaries become more visible. If left untreated, inflammation and Dome-shaped red papules, often in clusters, are typical. Nodules may also occur, but different from acne Vulgaris, open and closed comedones are absent.
Phymatous Rosacea
This type of rosacea is when excess fluid and proteins leak out of the blood vessels and eventually overwhelm the lymphatic system, which cannot drain the leakage away fast enough. This results in fluid buildup. Phymatous Rosacea includes thickening of the skin from excess tissue and is most common on the upper cheeks and nose.
Ocular Rosacea
With this type of rosacea – the whites of the eyes may be irritated and appear watery or bloodshot. The eyelids also may become red and swollen and sties are common. Severe cases can affect your vision if left untreated.
Download Your Triggers To Rosacea Guide
There are common factors that trigger Rosacea symptoms or make it worse by increasing the blood flow to the surface of the skin: The number one cause of a ROSACEA flare-up is STRESS, followed by: Sun exposure, Humidity or Wind, Extreme temperatures, Hot baths or Saunas, Abrasive cleansers or cleansers with alcohol, Vigorous exercise, Medications such as corticosteroids and drugs for treating high blood pressure, Hypertension or High Blood Pressure.
Foods and Drinks can also be a trigger: Hot foods and Beverages, Caffeine, Dairy Products, Spices, and seasonings that contain Capsaicin like hot sauce, cayenne pepper, and red pepper
Alcohol, especially red wine due to its histamine releaser.
I remember giving my mom a glorious, calming facial. I followed all of the rules as an esthetician and didn’t use steam, chemical, mechanical exfoliants, or any water during my facial. What I didn’t think about was my massage. I gave her a facial, neck and shoulder massage that would have knocked your socks off! The next day, her Rosacea flared up so terribly that I cried. It didn’t occur to me that the facial massage was too manipulative. You must consider every single thing that will be touching a Rosacea client’s face.
There are amazing products out there now for Rosacea. Do your due diligence and research the ingredients. I LOVE LED and use it for every one of my Rosacea clients. The difference in their skin is measurable.
Rosacea is a growing concern in our industry that is NOT going away so please take special care!
To watch our videos on Rosacea and over 60 other topics, please visit our website and become a member! For only $24 per month, you have 24/7 access. Remember… The BEST KEEP TRAINING!
Arlene White