Summer Skincare Tips
It’s that time of year where I start to sound like a broken record. Here’s some news for you, May is Skincare Cancer Awareness Month. I won’t bore you with too many details on skin cancer, but here are a few that should open your damn eyes from our friends over at
1. More people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the U.S. than all other cancers combined.
2. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70.
Want to do your part in avoiding skin cancer?
Ok, now that we’ve got your attention, here’s some….
Advice From Our Expert
Well, that got my attention, I don’t know about your’s. Anyway, here we are! We wanted to make sure that we did our part to educate on sunscreen in May so we had our Advice From Our Expert, Danielle Wachowski write an article, Shedding Some Light On SPF. You can read this article to get to know more about the two main types of SPF out there.

Make Applying SPF Like Brushing Your Teeth
Ok, so it needs to become part of your every day habit to apply SPF! Every day, you shower, you brush your teeth and you apply sunscreen. Honestly, even if you’re not “into” skincare. Maybe you’re not “high-maintenance”? Ok, I get that. Maybe you don’t have 2 cleansers, 3 serums, 2 types of moisturizers, and an eye cream that you use regularly. NEWS FLASH: That’s ok. But for the love of all things living and breathing…. take 2 seconds and apply a freakin’ SPF to keep you from getting SKIN CANCER!!!!!
Ok, now that we’re on the same page.
If you are interested in doing more for your skin in the summer time, we have a few suggestions for you! Keeping your skin smooth, nourished and hydrated is crucial all year round. In the winter time we have more flexibility because, typically, folks are spending less time in the sun. Days are shorter and it’s usually too damn cold to be outside. Well, it’s too cold in most parts of the U.S. But in summer time we have a lot of sun-related restrictions to skincare. However, we have a team of skincare gurus who have come up with a few ways to break the summer-sun rules!
This Week’s Part Of The Pack POP! – 3 Summer Skincare Tips
Glymed Plus –Oxygen Restorative Peel
Peel in summer?
That’s right!
Christine Heathman and her team over at Glymed Plus bring you a summer safe peel! Want to know how – CLICK HERE
Dawn Lorraine Skincare – Citrus Super C Serum
Love organic? Love packaging that is environmentally conscious and sustainable? Love an amazing Vitamin C Serum that is lightweight and perfect for summer? Need an amazing source of antioxidants to combat the free radicals in the excess summer sun? Get to know the vegan, organic and gluten free Vitamin C in this Super C Serum – CLICK HERE
California Skincare Supply –Youth Transformative Glycolic Body Lotion
It’s time to start showing more skin. Tanks, shorts, summer cocktail dresses and of course – swimsuits! Get smooth, flawless skin with this glycolic body lotion. Keep the surface of your whole body free from dead skin cells. This is a great way to make sure your sunless tanner has a flawless finish – CLICK HERE
3 Great Ways To Get Flawless Skin This Summer
This spring and summer be sure to offer something to help clients look their best! Prepping the skin during the spring is a great way to open up a conversation about summer treatments and SPF!!!
We’d like to thannk Dawn Lorraine Skincare, Glymed Plus and California Skincare Supply for sponsoring this post.