
Corrective Treatments / Exfoliators / L+A Report / Moisturizers / Serums / SPF

Love Summer: Smooth. Sexy. Shamelessly.

Live Outloud This Summer

You may or may not have heard that during the summer, people go out into the sun!  

Stop Acting Shocked!

People have been enjoying summer sun forever!  Granted, swim suit styles may have changed a little over the years.  

Practice Safe Sun

It’s so important to make sure that, while it’s great to enjoy summer, it’s important to Practice Safe Sun!

“Ok, we get it!  The sun’s rays are harmful!

But that’s no reason to not enjoy summer!  The advances in sun protection over the years have been amazing!  Let’s face it, applying sun protection every single day is almost more important than that one weekend you had a ton of fun at the beach!  So here’s how it’s gonna go down!

Rule #1

Wear sun protection!

Rule #2

Re-apply regularly!

Rule #3

Maybe throw on a hat!

Jenni Loves Summer

It’s obvious that Jenni follows rule #3!  Yes, that’s Jenni under all that hat and all that sunscreen!  Living just a few blocks from the beach makes it easy to spend summer days on the beach with Drew and Jack.

No need to hide in the summer!  Life is meant to be lived!

Barry Loves Summer

If you don’t know that Barry loves summer, you must not be paying attention!  He takes any opportunity to be outdoors, enjoying life in the warm beautiful sunshine!  It’s obvious here that he practices rule #3!  He’s also known as an SPF Junkie by all of his pool mates!  He’s the one that’s got the arsenal of SPF in his bag and is preaching the rule #2!  Re-Apply!  Re-Apply!

It’s Ok To Have Fun This Summer

It’s ok, because we’re here to help! We’re gonna help make Summer 2019 the best summer yet!

First – Practicing Safe Sun is the best way to ensure a fun summer!

More than just being SAFE –  everyone wants to look and feel good during the summer, maybe even feel a ‘lil sexy in their swimsuit.  That means having healthy skin, not just on the face but the whole body. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel sexy.  Be Shameless – you’re beautiful!  And let’s not forget about those lashes – we’ve even got a full proof treat to ensure long, sexy lashes all summer!

There’s a whole host of products, ingredients and treatments that can help to make summer amazing!  We reached out to our skincare gurus to see what they had up their sleeves for Summer 2019!  They came back to us with some truly amazing products and brand new treatments to help our Lipgloss + Aftershave community look smooth, sexy and stylish this summer!


L+A 2019 Summer Survival Guide

California Skincare Supply – Just Relax Wrinkle Minimizing Serum 

You can love summer because this serum will help you fight photo aging with Matrixyl 3000, an anti-wrinkle peptide that penetrates the lipid structure of the skin which can help prevent photo-aging, stimulate collagen production and decrease wrinkle depth.  Want to know more? – Click Here

dmGlow – Argan Boost Serum

Too much salt water or chlorinated water can mess with your lipid barrier.  This serum is a great lipid barrier replacement that incorporates natural and organic ingredients specially chosen for ultra-sensitive skin. Argan oil, squalene and jojoba mimic the skin’s own oils to nourish the skin by replacing lost moisture and slowing water loss – Click Here

Hale & Hush – Rare C Serum

Combat free radicals all summer long with this highly bio-available form of Vitamin C, which strengthens collagen, brightens the complexion, and as an added bonus, reduces the appearance of pore size by 20% in 4 weeks as tested!  Regular use of Rare C Serum will promote supremely radiant, strong and youthful looking skin – Click Here

ZAQ – Facial Cleansing Brush

Physical SPF combined with sweat that attracts more dirt and debris can be a recipe for congestion.  This facial cleansing brush can effectively remove dirt, debris, and dead skin cells, for a deep clean and to diminish pores – Click Here

Spa Revolution – PerfectSense Paraffin

Keep hands looking gorgeous all summer! Add a PerfectSense Paraffin hand treatment to any facial!  A new standard for paraffin-based treatments, combining total portability, electricity-free heating, refreshing aromatherapy, and a powerful formula designed to address a multitude of skin care needs – Click Here

SilcSkin – Decollette Pads

Almost every woman’s swim suit will show her Decollette.   These Decollette pads are designed to correct and prevent chest wrinkles caused by sun damage, aging, and sleeping on your side. They are very discreet to wear anytime of day. Made of 100% medical grade silicone, they contain no allergy causing latex, urethanes, or adhesives – Click Here

Nature Pure – Lipomelt® Grapefruit Body Polish

Keep your sun kissed skin, smooth, silky and sexy with this luxurious exfoliating treatment delicately sweeps away dead skin cells and debris with Jojoba seeds leaving the skin beautifully polished and with renewed radiance. It is a perfectly balanced blend of an excellent natural exfoliant – Click Here

GrandeLASH-MD  – Lash Enhancing Serum

After a day in the pool, even the best mascara will be washed away!  Make sure your lashes look sexy even when they’re naked.  This breakthrough multi award-winning eyelash enhancing serum promotes longer & thicker looking lashes in 4-6 weeks (with full results in 3 months). It is ophthalmologist tested & approved and safe to use with contacts & lash extensions – Click Here

MedSpa Distributors – New DiamondTome® Platinum Body Wand Collection

Bring your sexy back… (or legs, elbows, arms, knees…)  That’s right!  Now you can provide full body exfoliation to make sure every inch of the body is smooth and ready for that summer glow! Great as a prep for spray tans or just to make sure you have smooth, even skin all summer long – Click Here

Saian Skincare – Sunscreen Mist SPF 30

Mist your face all day long!  This physical and chemical sunscreen is made especially for the face. It comes in a beautiful and convenient spray bottle for easy and mess-free application. Perfect for re-application throughout the day – sprays evenly on top of make up. No fragrance, oil or parabens – winner of Dermascope Magazine’s Aesthetician’s Choice 2019, and Dayspa Magazine’s Professional Choice Awards 2019 – Click Here

You CAN love Summer….   

Get out there!  Go for a hike in the woods!  Have fun with friend at the pool.  Go for a run!  Hit the beach for the weekend.  Go on a bike ride!  We love summer and want everyone to love it too….  with a Smooth, Sexy body AND be shameless about it!

We’d like to thank California Skincare Supply, DermaMed Solutions, Hale & Hush, ZAQ, Spa Revolutions, SilcSkin, Nature Pure, GrandeCosmetics, MedSpa Distributors and Saian Skincare for sponsoring this post.


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