NYC IECSC Signals We’re Entering The Post-Pandemic Spa Era
23 Brands That You Need To know
It’s been 2 years since there was an IECSC Show in NYC! The 2020 Show was all set up and then… well if you know you know and if you don’t….. well – my therapist says not to talk about it!
The 2022 IECSC in NYC – everyone was unsure. Does NYC need one more year to get itself together before its ready to host the IECSC?
Bye Bye Panny D
Then just days before the IECSC NYC was set to kick off – NYC gave us the biggest gift ever.
Game On Baby
It was game on baby! The crowds were out in force!
The exhibit hall was packed all 3 days. The crowds were positive and the estys were thrilled to be back to normal!

2 Skin Care Pro’s Offer
5 Spring Skin Care Tips
Download Your Spa-Goer’s Guide To Spring Skin Care
10 Brands Catering To Post-Pandemic Spa Client Needs
The day has finally arrived when we are operating as normal again in the spa industry! With the massive success of the IECSC NYC SHOW – we can now look to the Post Pandemic Spa and see where we’re going with all of the experiences from these long last 2 years!
Here are some brands that are new to NYC IECSC!!!!
The Pandemic Shift
We’re doing a lot of investigating here at the IECSC and we’re seeing a few trends. First, the Pandemic Shift! We’re seeing so many brands emerging as a result of people making huge changes in their lives and wanting to live their passion. Many company founders went through huge life changes that catapulted them into a whole new direction in life.
1 The founder of Blue Skys Life found a whole new direction in life when she decided to slow down and find a path to health that fueled her passion. She created a brand of skincare featuring CBD that has a gorgeous treatment mask and facial massage oil that will take any facial to a new level.
2 We’re obsessed with Luba, the founder of Bryght – who fought cancer and the pandemic at the same time – only to come out of it with a new lease on life and a passion to help make women feel more beautiful. Her humble, yet unapologetic approach to bleaching buttholes is evidenced by her ANAL BLEACHING T-Shirts!
The Shift To Grounding
The pandemic gave everyone a huge wake-up call. It rocked so many people to the core – people felt helpless in the face of a virus that shut the world down – so many people looked for ways to find serenity and stability. This shift to grounding has brought about a resurgence for the love of nature and the elements – so we’re seeing so many new brands that feature botanicals and minerals!
3 We found Mata, with their healing balm for aches and their herbal inhaler.
4 New to IECSC is Meek Naturals – organic and vegan – with their build your own back bar products. Use their Vitamin C powder in any product or create your own masks!
Get Back To Glowing
The pandemic forced everyone to wear a mask day in and day out. This wreaked havoc on the skin. We talked to two brands that told us that they are seeing huge demands to help clients get their skin back to normal.
5 Repêchage launched the HydraDew Moisturizing Lift Facial – we were so excited to watch this treatment be demonstrated on the show floor.
6 We also learned that Christina saw an uptick in their Rose De Mer Peel System we are looking forward to meeting the Christina team in Florida and trying this treatment!
Pandemic Weight
Many brands have been seeing a huge increase in products, services, treatments, and devices that help spa / wellness customers take off their pandemic weight. Many consumers added on a few inches as a result of a more sedentary lifestyle and increased consumption of take-out!
7 DermaJEM is one of our favorite first-timers to IECSC and they came on the scene with a SPLASH! Their Anima ICESCULPT will help you treat clients who want to lose those pandemic inches!
8 Skin Science Solutions introduced the ICOONE – a revolutionary tool for face and body!
Technology Taking Center Stage – The Future is NOW!
The post-pandemic spa is going to be filled with technology! Devices, machines, imaging, and tools! As the world shifts to a more digital lifestyle – we are using technology in ways the TV shows of the 1970’s predicted for the “future”! The Jetsons had us talking to TV screens and using voice commands to run our homes.
It’s every day in so many homes to hear …. “Alexa Turn On The Lights” so you can FaceTime with someone and they can see you.
The name of the game is SCIENCE. This industry has embraced the use of technology.
DermaJEM is a top choice here for the incredible ARES Device – allows small businesses to offer hydrodermabrasion at an incredibly affordable price point. A must-see! You won’t have to break the bank!
9 The Recovery Lab has PURELIFT, their amazing hand-held microcurrent device! You have to see it – it’s sexy and effective!
10 We were thrilled to see Beauty EQ at their first NYC show! Their SIIT PRO – high frequency, dark spot zapper! We also saw that HydraFacial + LightStim teamed up for a joint venture with Syndeo.
Day 1 IECSC Photo Recap
Tap The Picture To See The Full Album
12 Brands That Lead The Way To The Post-Pandemic Spa Era
1 Celluma
Celluma kept their R+D team busy during the pandemic and launched their all-new RESTORE.
2 Hale & Hush
We love this brand and all their products! They launched Refine Polish.
3 M.A.D Skincare
M.A.D took on the pandemic and hyperpigmentation with Fade Gel 6.
4 Germaine De Cappuccini
GDC is here to give you a lift – Timexpert Lift that is!
5 Sesha
Launched A New Tool – MesoBotanica – get to know it!
6 Rezenerate
Yes, you know you’ve arrived when you become a Verb.
7 Grande Cosmetics
We all know the lipstick effect during economic downturns! Grande continued to make women feel pretty – hell – even Barry loves their all-new POUT!
8 Silhouet-Tone
We learned all about their Cabine Exclusive line during the pandemic and can’t wait to explore this extensive brand!
9 Lira
New Life-Changing Retinal – yes – we said LIFE-CHANGING! You need to check it out!!! Look for all the latest LIRA news here – we’re their go-to platform to announce all of their launches!
10 Nature Pure
This brand showcased how stem cells could keep you going during a global catastrophe.
11 EpiPin
This brand revolutionized how we deliver Hyaluronic Acid to the skin!
12 ZAQ
Let’s just say this brand is the gadget guru of the industry!
13 Martinni Beauty
Hello can you say Ginger? They’ve got the coolest anti-aging mask!